Sybase IQ Network Client tools

This section includes procedures that tell you how to install the Sybase IQ Network Client on Windows and Linux.

You can also install the IQ Network Client on many end-user machines remotely, without displaying dialog boxes or requiring interactive responses. For directions, see “Installing without human interaction” in the Sybase IQ Installation and Configuration Guide for your platform.

Installing client tools on Windows

  1. Use an account with Administrator privileges to log in to Windows.

  2. Exit any Windows programs running on your machine.

  3. Insert the IQ Network Client CD into the CD drive.

    If Network Client Setup does not start automatically:

  4. Follow the instructions on your screen to install the IQ Network Client tools.

If you installed Sybase Central, see the Sybase IQ System Administration Guide for instructions on configuring and running the IQ Agent. You must run the IQ Agent in order to use Sybase Central.

Installing client tools on Linux

Sybase IQ Network Client for Linux contains the components required for connection to a network server, and is compatible with IQ servers on all supported server platforms. Avoid installing Sybase IQ Network Client in the same directory as an IQ server.

  1. Use this command to change to the installation directory:

    % cd $RAP30/VLDBServer
  2. Start the install utility sybinstall.

    You can run this utility as a series of menus with prompts or bypass menus using the sybinstall command line parameters:




    Install standalone 12.6 IQ Agent only


    Install all defaults


    Display all parameters and usage


    Bypass license agreement


    Display information about this product


    Assume yes for all questions, warnings, and errors

  3. Do one of the following:

  4. When the Welcome screen appears, press Return.

  5. Type the number that corresponds to your location.

    If you cannot read the license agreement or find a license agreement that matches your location, you can read all available license agreements on the Sybase Web site and rerun sybinstall, passing it the parameter -I_accept_sybase_license. For example:

    % /cdrom/sybinstall -I_accept_sybase_license

    The first screen of the Software Test and Evaluation License Agreement appears.

  6. Read and accept the license agreement. As you read, hold down the Return key until you reach the end of the agreement.

    The script next lists the amount of free space available in your $RAP30/VLDBServer directory and the amount of space required for the three components it installs.

  7. Do one of the following:

  8. Type S to start the installation.

An installation procedure log is created in $RAP30/VLDBServer/sybinstall.log. If the log file cannot be created in the $RAP30/VLDBServer directory, the path defaults to /tmp/sybinstall.log.

Setting Linux environment variables

After you install Sybase IQ Network Client for Linux, use these instructions to set the environment variables:

  1. Open a command window.

  2. Change directory to $RAP30/VLDBServer/ASIQ-12_6 and use one of the following commands to source the environment variables:

    % source ASIQ-12_6.csh


    % . ./