Creating subscriptions within RSM

Subscriptions identify the replication definition or publication to which you are subscribing, the source and destination databases and data servers, and the materialization method by which the initial information is to be copied. This procedure tells you how to add a subscription to the Replication Definition you created in the previous section:

  1. Expand Replication Definition | Replication Definition <name> | Table Subscriptions.

  2. Right-click Add Subscription and choose Open. A property sheet for the new subscription appears.

  3. In the Name box, type a name for the new subscription.

  4. In Replication Information Group, click Browse and choose the target database server and database.

  5. Choose the appropriate Owner ID and password. For a replicate database on ASE, the owner is typically defined as sa with no password.

  6. Choose the appropriate materialization Method.

  7. Click OK. RSM adds the new subscription to the Subscription folder.