The Database Owner or the System Administrator must grant to the maintenance user the permissions required to insert, delete, and update rows in replicated tables and to execute replicated stored procedures.
Grant execute permissions for each of the following procedures:
All procedures are performed in Sybase Central. Follow these instructions for Windows or UNIX.
To start Sybase Central, do this:
In Windows, click Start | Programs | Sybase | Adaptive Server IQ 12.6 | Sybase Central Java Edition.
In UNIX, open a command shell, change directory
to $SYBASE/sybcentral, and
type: % scjview
If you have added $SYBASE/ASIQ-12_6/bin or $SYBASE/bin to your path as instructed at the end of the installation, you can issue the scjview command from any directory.
In Sybase Central, right-click on Sybase IQ and choose Connect.
Add the appropriate connection information and click OK.
Expand Sybase IQ | Sybase IQ <target database> | Procedures & Functions.
Right-click on a procedure, choose Properties and click Permissions | Grant.
If these procedures and functions are not listed, do
the following in Sybase Central:
Right-click on the database name.
Select Filter Objects by Owner.
Check rs_systabgroup and click OK.
Click View | Refresh Folder.
Expand Procedures & Functions and continue with this step.
On the Grant Permissions dialog, choose rs_systabgroup and click OK.
The rs_systabgroup group on the properties dialog appears with a check mark in the Execute column. Click OK.
Repeat steps 5 – 6 for each procedure in the list.
This procedure grants Insert, Update, and Delete Permissions for the rs_lastcommit and rs_threads tables in the Sybase IQ database. rs_lastcommit commits a transaction; rs_threads detects deadlocks and performs transaction serialization between parallel DSI threads.
Expand Sybase IQ | <target database> | Tables.
Right-click on the appropriate table, choose Properties, and click Permissions | Grant.
On the Grant Permissions dialog, choose rs_systabgroup and click OK.
On the Permissions tab, choose Select, Insert, Update, and Delete permissions. Click OK.
Repeat steps 2 – 4 for each table in the list.
This procedure grants all permissions on the Sybase IQ target replication tables to either the maintenance user or rs_systabgroup group.
Expand Sybase IQ | <target database> | Tables.
Right-click the replicate table, choose Properties and click Permissions | Grant.
On the Grant Permissions dialog, choose rsuser (maintenance user) or rs_systabgroup and click OK.
Close Sybase Central.