RAPCache and VLDBServer include different administrator default logins. Sybase recommends that you change these logins to protect your system.
The RAPCache installation creates an administrator called sa for the Sybase System Administrator. There is no initial password set for this account. Because an sa user can use any database on Adaptive Server with full privileges, Sybase recommends that you create a password to protect your production environment.
In the left pane, click Adaptive Server Enterprise | Default | <RAPCache_server>, where <RAPCache_server> is the name of your RAPCache server.
Click the Logins folder.
In the right pane, right-click sa and choose Properties.
On the Login Properties dialog, click the Parameters tab, then click Change Password.
The Parameters tab also includes options that allow you to set the minimum password length, maximum login attempts, and expiration period.
On the Change Password dialog:
Type your password in New Password box.
Type your password in New Password box, then retype the password in the Confirm New Password box.
Click OK.
Sybase recommends that you create passwords with at
least six characters that include both letters and numbers.
The VLDBServer installation creates an administrator account with a default user ID (DBA) and password (SQL). The DBA user ID identifies a user with full administration and resource creation rights. The first time you log in to the VLDBServer, change the DBA password to protect your production environment.
In the left pane, right-click the Sybase IQ icon and choose Connect.
On the connection dialog, click the Database tab.
From the Server name drop-down box, enter host_name:port_number, where host_name is the name of the machine that hosts the VLDB server, and port_number is the server port number.
Click the Browse button next to the Database file drop-down box and choose <VLDB_database_name>.db, where <VLDB_database_name> is the name of your RAP VLDB database. Click OK
Click the Identification tab.
Type DBA
the User id box, type SQL
the Password box, and click OK.
You are now connected to the RAP VLDB database on the VLDB server. Expand Sybase IQ in the left panel to see the server name. Expand the server name to see the database name.
Expand the database folder, then expand the Users & Groups folder.
Right click DBA and select Properties in the pop-up menu.
In the DBA User Properties dialog, enter and confirm the new DBA password.
Click OK to save and exit the dialog. The new password takes effect immediately for new DBA connections.