This optional procedure describes how to load a larger set of sample data into the VLDBServer database. The automated load process that loads RAPCache also loads the VLDBServer database. Sample data that contains millions of additional rows of data for VLDBServer is, however, also available. Running the queries against the sample data loaded during installation returns limited results, so you may want to load this larger set of additional data into the VLDBServer database.
To load the larger set of sample data, first unzip the files,, and in the $RAP30/Data/VLDB/RAP_Input directory.
The installed files STOCK_QUOTE.csv, STOCK_TRADE.csv, and STOCK_HISTORY.csv contain a subset of the data in the,, and files. To preserve the smaller STOCK_QUOTE.csv, STOCK_TRADE.csv, and STOCK_HISTORY.csv files, rename these files before unzipping the,, and files.
To run the script that loads the larger set of TAQ sample data into VLDBServer, you must have Sybase IQ 12.6 client tools installed on your system.
Run the script on the machine that hosts the Sybase IQ database. This script truncates existing data and loads the larger set of TAQ sample data into the VLDB database.
To load the larger set of sample data for the STOCK_HISTORY table, edit the file load_unix_IQ_TAQ_tables.tst. Append the following lines, replacing <RAP30_installation_directory> with the path name of your RAP 3.0 installation directory:
truncate table DBA.STOCK_HISTORY; commit; load table DBA.STOCK_HISTORY ( INSTRUMENT_ID null (blanks,'NULL') , TRADE_DATE null (blanks,'NULL') , TRADING_SYMBOL null (blanks,'NULL') , OPEN_PRICE null (blanks,'NULL') , CLOSE_PRICE null (blanks,'NULL') , LOW_PRICE null (blanks,'NULL') , HIGH_PRICE null (blanks,'NULL') , VOLUME '\x0a' ) from '<RAP30_installation_directory>/Data/VLDB/RAP_Input/ STOCK_HISTORY.csv' quotes off escapes off preview on; commit;
To preserve the TAQ data already in VLDB, edit the file load_unix_IQ_TAQ_tables.tst and comment out the following commands:
truncate table DBA.STOCK_QUOTE; commit; truncate table DBA.STOCK_TRADE; commit;
load_unix_IQ_TAQ_tables.tst is called by
To check the status of the TAQ data load, review the log file for the VLDBServer database, <database_name>.iqmsg. The default location of the log file is the directory where the VLDBServer database file (<database_name>.db) is located.