Lock Manager

Parameters in this group configure locks:

[Lock Manager]
	number of locks = 100000
	deadlock checking period = 5000
	lock spinlock ratio = 20
	lock address spinlock ratio = DEFAULT
	lock table spinlock ratio = DEFAULT
	lock hashtable size = 131072
	lock scheme = DEFAULT
	lock wait period = DEFAULT
	read committed with lock = DEFAULT
	print deadlock information = DEFAULT
	deadlock retries = DEFAULT
	page lock promotion HWM = DEFAULT
	page lock promotion LWM = DEFAULT
	page lock promotion PCT = DEFAULT
	row lock promotion HWM = 20000
	row lock promotion LWM = 20000
	row lock promotion PCT = DEFAULT

number of locks = 100000 This option sets the total number of available locks for all users on Adaptive Server. The value of 100000 accommodates six streams of BCPs with a batch size of 10,000.

deadlock checking period = 5000 This option specifies the minimum amount of time in milliseconds before Adaptive Server initiates a deadlock check for a process that is waiting on a lock to be released. Since few deadlocks are expected, the value of 5000 reduces the cost of the overhead of deadlock checking.

lock spinlock ratio = 20 The value of 20 for this option avoids spinlock contention. This option is tunable.

lock hashtable size = 131072 This option specifies the number of hash buckets in the lock hash table. A value of 131072 reduces lock contention. This parameter is tunable.

row lock promotion HWM = 20000 This option specifies the high water mark for row lock promotion. A high value of 20000 disables lock promotion, because the data is loaded in batches of 10000. This parameter should be tuned according to the batch size of the data load.

row lock promotion LWM = 20000 This option specifies the low water mark for row lock promotion. A high value of 20000 essentially disables lock promotion.