SQL Server Administration

Parameters in this group are related to general Adaptive Server administration:

[SQL Server Administration]
	procedure cache size = 32000
	default database size = DEFAULT
	identity burning set factor = DEFAULT
	allow nested triggers = DEFAULT
	allow updates to system tables = DEFAULT
	default fill factor percent = DEFAULT
	default exp_row_size percent = DEFAULT
	number of mailboxes = DEFAULT
	number of messages = DEFAULT
	number of alarms = DEFAULT
	number of pre-allocated extents = DEFAULT
	event buffers per engine = DEFAULT
	cpu accounting flush interval = 2147483647
	i/o accounting flush interval = 2147483647
	sql server clock tick length = DEFAULT
	runnable process search count = DEFAULT
	i/o polling process count = DEFAULT
	time slice = DEFAULT
	cpu grace time = DEFAULT
	number of sort buffers = DEFAULT
	size of auto identity column = DEFAULT
	identity grab size = DEFAULT
	housekeeper free write percent = 5
	enable housekeeper GC = 0
	sysstatistics flush interval = DEFAULT
	allow resource limits = DEFAULT
	number of aux scan descriptors = DEFAULT
	SQL Perfmon Integration = DEFAULT
	license information = DEFAULT
	text prefetch size = DEFAULT
	enable HA = DEFAULT
	i/o batch size = DEFAULT
	enable semantic partitioning = 0
	enable xml = DEFAULT
	enable webservices = DEFAULT
	enable job scheduler = DEFAULT
	job scheduler tasks = DEFAULT
	job scheduler interval = DEFAULT
	percent database for history = DEFAULT
	percent history free = DEFAULT
	percent database for output = DEFAULT
	percent output free = DEFAULT
	maximum job output = DEFAULT

procedure cache size = 32000 This option specifies the size of the procedure cache in 2K pages. The procedure cache is used while running stored procedures and also to compile queries while creating stored procedures. A value lower than 32000 (such as 16000) might be sufficient, depending on the performance of queries.

cpu accounting flush interval = 2147483647 This option specifies the amount of time in machine clock ticks that ASE waits before flushing to disk CPU usage statistics for each user. This option is set to the maximum value to reduce the number of times statistical information is written to disk.

i/o accounting flush interval = 2147483647 This option specifies the amount of time in machine clock ticks that ASE waits before flushing to disk I/O statistics for each user. This option is set to the maximum value to reduce the number of times statistical information is written to disk.

housekeeper free write percent = 5 This option specifies the maximum percentage by which the housekeeper task can increase database writes. The default value is 1, so setting this option to 5 allows the housekeeper to do more writes when idle.

enable housekeeper GC = 0 Setting this option to 0 disables garbage collection by the housekeeper. Garbage collection is not necessary, since there are mostly inserts and few deletes.

enable semantic partitioning = 0 Disables partitioning other than round-robin (for example, range partitioning) in ASE.