Disk I/O

Parameters in this group configure the disk I/O of Adaptive Server.

[Disk I/O]
	disk i/o structures = 2048
	number of large i/o buffers = DEFAULT
	page utilization percent = DEFAULT
	number of devices = 50
	disable disk mirroring = DEFAULT	allow sql server async i/o = 0

disk i/o structures = 2048 This option specifies the initial number of disk I/O control blocks ASE allocates at start-up and is tunable. Start with a value of 2048.

number of devices = 50 This option controls the number of database devices ASE can use. This value should be greater than or equal to the number of devices specified in disk init commands.

allow sql server async i/o = 0 Setting this option to 0 disables asynchronous disk I/O for ASE and prevents prefetching of pages unnecessarily.