Sybase IQ

Sybase IQ requires an ODBC data source on the client computer for each database you want to access using ODBC. A data source describes how to get to data on a network. Configuration requirements are platform specific.


On Windows, Sybase recommends that you use a system DSN, which offers faster performance than a file DSN. You can also share system DSNs with all users on the network.

For information on creating ODBC data sources, see the chapter “Configuring Sybase IQ” in the Sybase IQ Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows.

UNIX and Linux

On UNIX or Linux operating systems, ODBC data sources are held in a file named odbc.ini. When you create an odbc.ini file, you must use the long form of each identifier, for example:

[My Data Source]EngineName=myserverCommLinks=tcpip(port=1870)Userid=DBAPassword=SQL

For information about creating ODBC data sources, see the chapter “Configuring Sybase IQ” in the Sybase IQ Installation and Configuration Guide for your server platform.