Replacing unixODBC with DataDirect driver manager and drivers for UNIX

ECRTP and wsproces, the EC Gateway runtime on UNIX, call unixODBC by referencing a file, found in an unixODBC install, named libodbc.xx.1, where xx depends on the UNIX operating system being used.

You can replace the supplied unixODBC driver manager with the DataDirect driver manager and the DataDirect drivers, whether Sybase-branded or not, by making a symbolic link between the libodbc.xx.1 file and the libodbc.xx file used by DataDirect.

To accomplish this, first find the location of the DataDirect install directory. In that install directory, there is a subfolder named lib. Once you are in the lib subfolder, execute the ln command to link the DataDirect file with the unixODBC file.

The syntax for the command to do this linking is:

ln -s libodbc.xx libodbc.xx.1

where xx is sl, a, or so for HP-UX, IBM AIX, and Sun Solaris respectively.

Once you link the files, execute an ls -l command to display the link between the two files. In this example for Sun Solaris, the output after executing the ls -l command is:

lrwxrwxrwx   1 user1  comp  10 Jan  3 12:13 ->

After you complete linking and verification, ECRTP and wsproces, the EC Gateway runtime, will use the DataDirect ODBC driver manager instead of the unixODBC driver manager, and use DataDirect ODBC drivers instead of vendor-supplied drivers. If both ECRTP and wsproces were previously installed on the same UNIX system, you need to perform the above linking for either ECRTP or wsproces.

If you link incorrectly, using the Sun Solaris example, either of the following error messages displays, depending on whether you run ECRTP or wsproces: