ODBC executable files

If you are installing an ODBC executable file, you must change it to an executable file on the UNIX server and assign privileges associated with the file. For example, you could enter the following command on the UNIX server:

chmod 755 rmapout

This command allows you to have read, write, and execute privileges for the ECRTP executable file, but gives all others only read and execute privileges. Change 755 to a different value for a different configuration of privileges,

Before proceeding, use the following command to verify the existence of the executable file and the associated privileges that you assigned:

ls -l

This command lists the files and all associated privileges. If the executable file does not exist or the privileges are incorrect, repeat the earlier steps to correct the error. If the file does exist and the privileges are correct, make sure that the directory containing the executable file is in the normal path. Once you have done this, link rmapout to mapinrun by entering:

ln -s rmapout mapinrun

Now you are ready to use ECRTP in a production mode.