Pre-installation tasks

Before you install EDI Products:

  1. Read the EDI Products Release Bulletin, which contains last-minute information about installing and configuring EDI Products.

  2. Verify that your deployment of EDI products is compliant with the authorized deployment as determined by your Sybase licenses. Contact Sybase Technical Support for assistance, if necessary.

  3. Determine the EDI Products components you want to install. See “EDI Products product set” for a list of the components.

  4. Plan and deploy the type of SySAM license configuration you want to use for the components you want to install. See “Product licensing with SySAM 2.0”.

  5. Verify that you meet the system requirements for the components you want to install. See “System requirements”.

  6. Back up your application data if you have earlier versions of EDI Products installed. See “Upgrading from earlier versions of EDI Products”.