Use this method if you know the sort order ID.
Go to the appropriate character set directory. For example:
% cd $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/charsets/char_set_dir
$ set default - sybase_system:[sybase.charsets.char_set_dir]
Using the sort order ID, determine the file name:
% grep sort_order_id *.srt | grep ID
For example, to find sort order 52 on UNIX:
% cd $SYBASE/charsets/iso_1 % grep 52 *.srt | grep ID = 0x34 ; Unique ID # (52) for the sort order
$ search *.srt sort_order_id,ID /match=and
For example, to find sort order 52 on OpenVMS:
$ set default sybase_system:[sybase.charsets.iso_1] $ search *.srt 52,ID /match=and
****************************** SYBASE1150_SYSTEM:[SYBASE.CHARSETS.ISO_1]NOCASE.SRT;1 id = 0x34 ; Unique ID # (52) for the sort order
For both of these examples, the file name for sort order ID 52 is