Server Error Messages 3100 - 3199



Text and Explanation



 Database in use.  A user with System Administrator (SA) role must have exclusive use of database to run load.

Explanation: You cannot use load database while a database is in use by any user. This error occurs when you try to load a dump while users are still accessing the database. Wait until all users are off the database, then run load database again. Make sure you are not in the database while attempting to issue the load command. Sybase recommends running all load commands from master, although any database other than the target can be used.



 Specified file `%.*s' is not in valid dump database format.

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Contact your System Administrator.



 LOAD DATABASE for database `%.*s' failed:  insufficient memory to allocate backout structure.

Explanation: Command failed due to resource limitation. Modify the command to fit available resources, retry when the resource is available, or contact your System Administrator to address the resource problem.



 Data on dump will not fit into current database. Need %d Mbyte database.

Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.



 LOAD DATABASE must be used in single user mode if trying to restore the Master database.

Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. The command violates a permission or privilege restriction. Check the command and working database context.



 This dump was created from the Master database. A dump from Master can only be loaded as part of the Restore Master procedure.

Explanation: Load failed. To check that you are using the correct dump, run load with listonly=full.



 You must be the DBO of database %.*s or have Operator (OPER) role to run LOAD DATABASE.

Explanation: You do not have the permission to execute this command. Have the object owner or a user with the needed role run this command.



 This dump was not created from the Master database. Master can only be loaded from a dump of the Master database.

Explanation: Load failed. To check that you are using the correct dump, run load with listonly=full.



 Cannot load any database other than Master when server in single-user mode.

Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax, semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.



 Database %.*s does not have an entry in SYSUSERS for the DBO.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting all processes in the current database. Report the error to your System Administrator. Adaptive Server must be restarted and dbcc diagnostics run.



 Database %.*s does not have an entry in Sysdatabases.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting all processes in the current database. Report the error to your System Administrator. Adaptive Server must be restarted and dbcc diagnostics run.



 User %.*s in database %.*s has suid %d, which is the same as the suid of the DBO (as defined in Sysdatabases).  User %.*s will be given suid %d.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.



When all load transactions have been completed for database %.*s, user %.*s should be given a unique suid.

Explanation: This is an informational message but may required followup action.



 Database %.*s already has a user with suid %d.  Please call Technical Support.

Explanation: This is an informational message but may require follow-up action. Contact your System Administrator.



 LOAD DATABASE has been interrupted by a USER ATTENTION signal.  A LOAD DATABASE must be completed in this database before it will be accessible.

Explanation: A database maintenance operation failed. Take any corrective action indicated by the message. Check the Adaptive Server error log.



 The database you are attempting to LOAD was DUMPed under a different sort order ID (%d) or character set ID (%d) than the ones running on this server (SortOrd = %d, CharSet = %d). If the sort orders differ, at least one of them is non-binary.

Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.



 Index %s.%s (objid = %ld, indid = %d) may be invalid. It uses CHAR or VARCHAR columns in its key and was created under a different sort order ID (%d) or charset ID (%d) than the ones on this server (SortOrd=%d, CharSet=%d).

Explanation: Indicates that the sort order may have changed between the time that the database was dumped and loaded back in again; it may also be caused by using dump and load between different servers. Drop and re-create the index.



 Failed to patch the transaction log for database `%.*s'.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting all processes in the current database. Report the error to your System Administrator. Adaptive Server must be restarted and dbcc diagnostics run.



 The dump header contains an invalid dump type code: %ld.  This is not a valid transaction log dump or database dump.

Explanation: A database maintenance operation failed. Take any corrective action indicated by the message. Check the Adaptive Server error log.



This is a %S_MSG dump of database ID %d, name ’%.*s’, from %S_DATE. SQL Server version: %.*s. Backup Server version: %.*s. Database page size is %ld.

Explanation: This is an informational message.



 Database contains %ld pages; checkpoint RID=(%S_RID); next object ID=%ld; sort order ID=%d, status=%d; charset ID=%d.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.



Log begins on page %ld; checkpoint RID=%S_RID; previous BEGIN XACT RID=(%S_RID); sequence dates: (old=%S_DATE, new=%S_DATE); truncation page=%ld; %ld pages deallocated; requires database with %ld pages.                                                      

Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.



 All dumped pages have been loaded.  SQL Server is now clearing pages above page %ld, which were not present in the database just loaded.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.



 SQL Server has finished clearing database pages.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.



 Failed to clear in-load status bit for database `%.*s'.

Explanation: There may be a potential problem with a database or database object. Contact your System Administrator.



 Database maxhold label found in dump is an invalid security label.  Discontinuing load.

Explanation: A database maintenance operation failed. Take any corrective action indicated by the message. Check the Adaptive Server error log.



 Database hurdle label found in dump is an invalid security label.  Discontinuing load.

Explanation: A database maintenance operation failed. Take any corrective action indicated by the message. Check the Adaptive Server error log.



 Server Data Low label found in dump is an invalid sensitivity label.  Discontinuing load.

Explanation: A database maintenance operation failed. Take any corrective action indicated by the message. Check the Adaptive Server error log.



 Server Data High label found in dump is an invalid sensitivity label.  Discontinuing load.

Explanation: A database maintenance operation failed. Take any corrective action indicated by the message. Check the Adaptive Server error log.



 Security label consistency check failed.  Please run DBCC SECURITY (LABEL_CHECK, `%S_DBID', {FULL | NOREPORT}, FIX) after all loads have been performed in order to make this database usable.

Explanation: There may be a potential problem with a database or database object. Contact your System Administrator.



 Please run DBCC SECURITY (LABEL_CHECK, , [FULL | NOREPORT], FIX) after all loads have been performed.

Explanation: This is an informational message but may require follow-up action. Contact your System Administrator.



 Database log version=%d; database upgrade version=%ld.

Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.



 Use the ONLINE DATABASE command to bring this database online; SQL Server will not bring it online automatically.

Explanation: After a load sequence completes, you must use 'online database' to bring the database back online. This command also upgrades databases.



User defined role '%.*s' used in database '%.*s' does not exist in this  server. Use CREATE ROLE to create this role after the database online. 

Explanation: After onlining the database upon completion of a load sequence, a role is found to be missing from the server. Create the role now for consistency.



The user name, '%.*s', in SYSUSERS is the same as a role name in this Server. See the Security Administration Guide for information on how to resolve this naming conflict.

Explanation: This is an informational message but may require follow-up action. Contact your System Administrator.



The group name, '%.*s', in SYSUSERS is the same as a role name in this server. See the Security Administration Guide for information on how to resolve this naming conflict.

Explanation: This is an informational message but may require follow-up action. Contact your System Administrator.



Object ’%.*s’ in database ’%.*s’ is owned by login ’%.*s’ who does not exist in this server. 

Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax, semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by the message.



Cannot load database ’%.*s’ because it is failed over.

Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax, semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by the message.



The master database you are attempting to load was dumped under a different sort order id (%d) or character set id (%d) than the ones running on this server (sort order id = %d, character set id = %d). 

Explanation: This message is generated when an attempt is made to load a master database and the dump was performed on a source server running with a sort order/charset which is different than the sort order/charset on the target server. The load can only go ahead under trace 3100, and only after consultation with Sybase Technical Support.



Since this load may render the master database unusable, this load will only be permitted under the 3100 traceflag. Please contact Sybase Technical Support regarding the correct usage of this traceflag. 

Explanation: This message is generated when an attempt is made to load a master database and the dump was performed on a source server running with a sort order/charset which is different than the sort order/charset on the target server. The load can only go ahead under trace 3100, and only after consultation with Sybase Technical Support.



Warning: an invalid cross-database reference exists in loaded database %.*s (dbid %d). Make sure that it can be enforced. Referencing dbid is %d. Referenced dbid is %d. Dump origin is of database %.*s (dbid %d). 

Explanation: This is an informational message but may require follow-up action. Contact your System Administrator.



SQL Server cannot load this database dump because the version in the dump is newer than the version in the database. Database: log version=%d, upgrade version=%ld. Dump: log version=%d, upgrade version=%ld.

Explanation: You can only load a dump to the same or higher version server.