This chapter shows all numbered messages applicable to Adaptive Server Versions 11.0.x through 12.0. The message text itself corresponds to the Version 12.0 text. Accordingly, specific messages may or may not appear in your server version, and the message text may differ from what is shown here.
WARNING! If your site utilizes any applications based on Adaptive Server error messages, note that characteristics such as the text of a message, its severity, and so on are subject to change from one version to the next. Messages may also be withdrawn or replaced by new messages. Exercise caution, therefore, in using the existence, or any other characteristics of a message, as the basis for your applications.
Use this chapter as an error reference. Look up the error number and note the severity. Then use the accompanying explanation (available for most, though not all, messages) to determine your next course of action. If the error is one of the commonly occurring server messages documented in the chapter “Error Message Writeups,” the explanation will refer you to that chapter. In other cases, it gives you guidance on the nature of the error and what to do next.
Generally speaking, the severity level of a message corresponds to the type and severity of the problem that the server encountered. For a complete description of severity levels, see “Adaptive Server Error Logging” in the System Administration Guide.