Character Set Conversion Errors

This section contains error messages for Adaptive Server character set conversion.

Error 2401



Message text

Character set conversion is not available between client character set '%.*s' and server character set '%.*s'.


Character set conversion is the change of the encoding scheme of a set of characters on the way into or out of Adaptive Server. Conversion is used when Adaptive Server and a client communicating with it use different character sets. For example, if Adaptive Server uses character set ISO 8859-1 (iso_1) and a client uses Code Page 850, character set conversion must be turned on so that both Adaptive Server and client interpret data passing back and forth in the same way.

Character set conversion is only available for certain character sets. Valid conversion matches are listed in the System Administration Guide. Error 2401 occurs when an invalid character set conversion is requested (for example, ascii_8 with ISO 8859-1). When this error is raised, no conversion is performed.

Error 2401 can occur in the following situations:


Refer to “Configuring Client/Server Character Set Conversions” in the System Administration Guide. and check the table of valid conversion matches under “Conversion Paths Supported”. Make sure you are not requesting conversion involving an incompatible character set.

Additional information

Refer to “Configuring Client/Server Character Set Conversions” in the System Administration Guide for details about character set conversion.

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions

Error 2402



Message text

Error converting client characters into server's character set. Some character(s) could not be converted.


This error occurs during insertion of data (insert or bcp) when Adaptive Server fails to convert a character to the required character set.

Error 2402 usually occurs for one of the following reasons:

This error occurs during normal processing and it prevents query execution.


The following options are available for recovering from Error 2402.

Change Your Data

Modify the incoming data so that it contains characters recognizable by Adaptive Server.

Turn Off Character Set Conversion

If the error occurs while you are using isql, bcp, or defncopy, you can use the -J (UNIX and PC) or /clientcharset (OpenVMS) command-line option with no character set name to set the client's character set to NULL. If you use this command-line option without specifying a character set name, no conversion takes place and no error message is sent. As a result, some characters sent by the client to the Adaptive Server may not be interpreted correctly by the Adaptive Server and vice versa. (If only 7-bit characters are being handled, no incorrect interpretation will take place.)

Otherwise, you can turn off conversion so that characters are sent and received unchanged with the following command:

1> set char_convert off
2> go

Turn Off Character Set Conversion Error Reporting

You can turn off the printing of error messages with the following command:

1> set char_convert on with no_error
2> go

Bytes which cannot be converted are replaced with an ASCII question mark (“?”).

Additional information

Refer to “Converting Character Sets Between Adaptive Server and Clients” in the System Administration Guide for details about character set conversion.

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions

Error 2409



Message text

Cannot find the requested character set in Syscharsets: name = '%.*s'.


Information about the character sets that are defined for use by Adaptive Server is stored in syscharsets. Error 2409 occurs when Adaptive Server cannot find a character set needed for character set conversion.

Error 2409 can occur in the following situations:


Make sure all necessary character sets are loaded, including the client's character set (as shown in the error message output):

1> use master
2> go

1> select csid, id, name from syscharsets
2> go

 csid id  name                           
 ---- --- ------------------------------ 
    0   0 ascii_8                        
    0   1 iso_1    
    1  50 bin_iso_1 

If you are missing needed character sets, follow the directions in the Adaptive Server installation and configuration guide to load them using the sybinit utility.

Standalone Utilities

By default, for standalone utilities, the character set used for the client is the default for the platform. This may not be the correct character set. If the 2409 error is occurring while you are using isql, bcp, or defncopy, use the -J (UNIX and NT) or /clientcharset (OpenVMS) command-line option to specify the client character set.

Open Client Applications

For Open Client applications such as DB-Library, you can specify the character set for the client through the login packet. Refer to the reference manual for the application and the Open Client/Server Supplement for your platform for details.

Additional information

Refer to “Configuring Client/Server Character Set Conversions” in the System Administration Guide for details about character set conversion.

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions