Initialization Errors

This section contains error messages for the Adaptive Server initialization routines.

Error 1601



Message text

There are not enough 'user connections' available to start a new process. Retry when there are fewer active users, or ask your System Administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more user connections.


Error 1601 occurs when all user connections are in use and a request is made to create another Adaptive Server process.

Error 1601 is caused by one of the following:


Perform the actions from the appropriate sections below.

Too Few User Connections (All Operating Systems)

Use sp_configure to increase the value of the number of user connections configuration parameter:

  1. Determine the current number of user connections configured:

    1> sp_configure "number of user connections"
    2> go

  2. Set the new value for user connections:

    1> sp_configure "number of user connections",
    2> new_value 
    3> go

  3. Restart Adaptive Server to activate the changes.

Depending on the exact configuration of your Adaptive Server, each user connection typically requires between 40K and 60K of memory (86K for OpenVMS), whether or not it is in use. Gradually increase the number of user connections until these errors no longer occur. When you change the value of the number of user connections configuration parameter, you may need to increase the total memory configuration parameter. If you have increased the stack size or default network packet size configuration parameters, each user connection will require more memory. Refer to the Performance and Tuning Guide and “Configuring Memory” in the System Administration Guide for information about how Adaptive Server uses memory.

If you have an OpenVMS system, recalculate the quotas using the worksheet Sybase provides, and make any needed Sybase quota file and operating system adjustments.

For more information on determining the number of user connections your Adaptive Server needs, refer to “number of user connections” in the System Administration Guide.

NoteThis error often appears in the Adaptive Server error log without the 1601 error number: “kernel: no pss structure available for new process.” Take the above action whether or not the error number is displayed.

DECnet Protocol

Make sure there are enough logical links available. For more information about DECnet and logical links, refer to the Adaptive Server installation and configuration guide.

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions

Error 1602



Message text

Unable to initialize network %d

NoteThis error may be caused by a hardware problem.


This error occurs during start-up when Adaptive Server is unable to initialize a network connection specified in your network addressing (interfaces or sql.ini) file.

NoteThroughout this writeup, your network addressing file is referred to as your “interfaces file”.

Error 1602 can occur as a result of any of the following problems in your interfaces file:

Error 1602 can also occur as a result of changes in your network which make entries in your interfaces file unavailable to Adaptive Server.


Check your interfaces file to make sure everything is correct. If any information is incorrect or duplicate entries exist, use one of the following to make corrections to your interfaces file:

If you do not find any incorrect information in your interfaces file, ask your network administrator to verify (at the operating system level) the entries in the interfaces file to make sure all network connections are working properly.

Additional information

For information about modifying the interfaces file for your platform, refer to the Adaptive Server installation and configuration guide.

If you need to call Sybase Technical Support, have your error log output and a copy of your interfaces file ready before you call.

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions

Error 1603



Message text

 Process priority %d invalid or no process slots available


When starting a new process, Adaptive Server checks that:

Error 1603 occurs when the new process is requested at an invalid priority, or when not enough connections are available to start the process.

Error 1603 occurs with the following states:




Unable to create a new, internal server process.


Unable to create a process to handle a new user connection (for example, an isql connection) to the server.


Check the following parameters, and increase the values as needed:

number of user connections
number of remote connections

Also check any applications currently accessing the server. The number of connections needed by an application depends entirely on how the application is programmed. You may need to shut down and correct any applications that are using excessive connections.

Process Priority

Check the value of process priority reported in the message text. If the value does not fall in the valid range between 0 and 7, check the priority at which applications are accessing the server.

Additional information

number of user connections and number of remote connections are static parameters. You must restart the server after you change their values.

Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for details about parameters that control new connections.

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions.

Error 1605



Message text

Failed to open virtual socket for new connections

NoteThis error may be caused by a hardware problem.


The Adaptive Server Network Handler listens on the ports specified in your network addressing ( interfaces or sql.ini) file. When a connection comes in, the Network Handler opens another socket to redirect that client, clearing the listener port for the next connection, hence the term “virtual” socket. The connection appears, from the outside, to be connected to the interfaces port, when it is actually connected at a different address to which there is a pointer.

Error 1605 occurs when a failure occurs in the process of opening the new socket. There are a number of things that can cause this:

Error 1605 error can be raised at the following times:

The information below includes several internal configuration parameters. You will not be changing these directly, but they are included to help explain how to calculate values for sp_configure parameters that relate to connection handling. Following are the kernel and configuration parameters used to calculate cnsocket (the maximum number of virtual sockets):

During start-up, if the value for cnsocket is greater than the value for kimaxfd, then the value of cnsocket will be set to the value of kimaxfd, and the message:

kistartup: number of virtual sockets set to ###

is printed to the log where ### is the value of kimaxfd/cnsocket.

Adaptive Server recalculates the value for cnsocket when you use sp_configure to change related parameter values.


Check the error that precedes the 1605 error. If that error is one of the following:

nopen: No virtual sockets available
nopen: no room in socket table

then the value for the Server configuration block parameter cnsocket has been exceeded. To solve the problem in this case, increase user or network connections and possibly increase the maximum number of file descriptors per process:

  1. Determine the current value for cnsocket.

    Use dbcc resource (this command requires sybase_ts_role and dbcc tracecon(3604) to determine the current configuration for sockets.

  2. Determine the current value for the maximum number of allowed network connections:

    1> select @@max_connections
    2> go

    @@max_connections is the maximum number of file descriptors that the operating system allows for your server’s engine processes, minus a fixed number of descriptors needed by Adaptive Server. Check the System Administration Guide for details about the @@max_connections calculation.

  3. Determine the current value for number of devices (the number of database devices that Adaptive Server can use, excluding dump devices):

    1> sp_configure "number of devices"
    2> go

  4. Determine an appropriate value for @@max_connections, based on the number of users expected to be logged on at any given time, and the number of devices. Remember that each device takes up a user connection.

  5. Compare the appropriate value for sockets to the current value for sockets which you determined in step 1. (Remember that Maximum number of virtual sockets = max number network listeners + number of user connections + number of remote sites + 2.

    If the current value is too low, use sp_configure to increase the value of number of user connections and/or number of remote sites so that the calculated value for sockets will be correct. If the error persists, call Sybase Technical Support.

    NoteUnder UNIX, you may need to raise the maximum number of file descriptors at the operating system level for the Adaptive Server if the new value for cnsocket exceeds the maximum number of per process file descriptors times the number of online engines for 11.0.x and later versions. In an OpenVMS environment, if you increase the value for number of user connections, you may also need to increase the value of the OpenVMS operating system parameter channelcnt and recalculate your system quotas. Refer to Managing and Monitoring Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Using Sybase Central for information about managing the maximum number of user connections available on an NT Server.

Additional information

Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for information about configuration parameters. Refer to the Reference Manual for information about sp_configure.

For parameter information specific to your platform, refer to the Adaptive Server installation and configuration guide.

If you need to call Technical Support, have the following information available:

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions

Error 1608



Message text

A client process exited abnormally, or a network error was encountered. Unless other errors occurred, continue processing normally.


This error occurs when a client process stops without informing Adaptive Server and a subsequent attempt by Adaptive Server to send results to this client fails.

Error 1608 is usually not serious and may be viewed as notification that a client process no longer exists. Some of the possible reasons a client process can disappear are:


Do not be concerned if this error occurs only sporadically. However, if the error occurs frequently and continuously, or frequently for short periods of time, it may be a result of excessive network traffic or network problems.

If you suspect network problems, have your network administrator run diagnostics on the network between the client and the Adaptive Server machines to isolate the problem.

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions

Error 1613



Message text

Could not close network %d connection for server process %d.


This error occurs when Adaptive Server is unable to close a network connection for a Server process.

Error 1613 can be caused by:

This is not a serious problem unless it occurs frequently.

NoteThis error may be caused by a hardware problem.


If you are running Adaptive Server on Digital Unix Tru64 version 5, you will need the appropriate operating system patch that corrects this problem. See TechNote 1012739 at the Sybase Technical Support website at for the list of patches and patch kits available at the time of publication. As always, check with the OS vendor for the latest patches.

On other platforms, check the values for your system parameters that affect network use:

If you suspect network problems, have your network administrator run diagnostics on the network between the client and the Adaptive Server machines to isolate the problem.

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions

Error 1621



Message text

 Type ’%c’ not allowed before login.


Adaptive Server uses TDS (Tabular Data Stream) packets to communicate with clients. A token is attached to every TDS packet to differentiate between different types of packets. During login, Adaptive Server expects a client to supply either the TDS_LOGIN or TDS_ECHO token.

Error 1621 occurs when a client sends a token other than TDS_LOGIN or TDS_ECHO at login. Possible causes include:


To see if other processes are interfering with the port, use netstat (UNIX) or Task Manager (NT) and check port status. You can also start the server using a different port number to remove any possible interference.

Check client applications to make sure logins are using a supported database driver. On NT, you can use the Drivers tab under ODBC Data Source Administrator to see the available drivers.

Check the TDS login packets being sent to Adaptive Server. To identify the affected logins, you can monitor packets:

Correct your login scripts to remove non-printing characters or control characters, and retry the connection.

Additional information

Refer to “How to Start Adaptive Server with Trace Flags” in the Encyclopedia of Tasks chapter for details on using trace flags.

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions

Error 1622



Message text

Type '%c' not implemented.


Adaptive Server uses TDS (Tabular Data Stream) packets during communication with clients to differentiate between different types of packets. A token is attached to every TDS packet. Error 1622 occurs when a client sends an invalid TDS token.

Valid packet header tokens include:

In the message output, “%c” is the token name causing the 1622 error.

Error 1622 occurs with the following states:




Error 1622 occurs with State 1 if the packet header cannot be converted to one of the tokens listed above.


Error 1622 occurs with State 2 if the header token is correct but the data token is bad.


Check your network to make sure there are no unexpected characters being sent to Adaptive Server because of noise on the line or hardware problems. If you have confirmed that unexpected characters are not occurring, call Sybase Technical Support.

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions

Error 1623



Message text

Warning: dataserver -p option fails. Please check for state '%d' to see where it fails.


This error occurs when Adaptive Server is unable to create a new password for a user with “sso” role in response to the dataserver command with the -p option.

There are three possible states:




Login passed with the -p option does not exist in syslogins.


Login exists but does not have the “sso” (system security officer) role.


Call to the routine that sets the passwords failed. This routine generates its own errors to help you diagnose the problem.


The actions for recovering from Error 1623 are listed below, by state.

States 1 and 2

If you did not remove “sso” role from the “sa” login, use “sa” in your dataserver command in your runserver file. If you did remove “sso” role from the “sa” login, choose the appropriate option below.

State 3

Other error messages will be listed. Follow the directions in this manual for recovering from those errors. If no directions exist, call Sybase Technical Support.

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions