After successfully executing this procedure, you must do two things:
Immediately shut down Adaptive Server.
Restart Adaptive Server and immediately disable updates to the system catalog as follows:
1> sp_configure "allow updates", 0 2> go
sp_resetstatus database_name
1> sp_resetstatus PRODUCTION 2> go
Database 'PRODUCTION' status reset!
WARNING: You must reboot Adaptive Server prior to accessing this database!
CREATE PROC sp_resetstatus @dbname varchar(30) AS DECLARE @msg varchar(80) IF @@trancount > 0 BEGIN PRINT "Can't run sp_resetstatus from within a transaction." RETURN (1) END IF suser_id() != 1 BEGIN SELECT @msg = "You must be the System Administrator (SA)" SELECT @msg = @msg + " to execute this procedure." PRINT @msg RETURN (1) END IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master..sysdatabases WHERE name = @dbname) != 1 BEGIN SELECT @msg = "Database '" + @dbname + "' does not exist!" PRINT @msg RETURN (1) END IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master..sysdatabases WHERE name = @dbname AND status & 256 = 256) != 1 BEGIN PRINT "sp_resetstatus may only be run on suspect databases." RETURN (1) END BEGIN TRAN UPDATE master..sysdatabases SET status = status - 320 WHERE name = @dbname IF @@error != 0 OR @@rowcount != 1 ROLLBACK TRAN ELSE BEGIN COMMIT TRAN SELECT @msg = "Database '" + @dbname + "' status reset!" PRINT @msg PRINT " " PRINT "WARNING: You must reboot Adaptive Server prior to " PRINT " accessing this database!" PRINT " " END
The status adjustment by 320 reflects the use of 256 to mark the database suspect and an additional 64 to indicate that it was in recovery when it was marked suspect.