
The high-level tasks in this scenario are:

  1. Configure ASE 12.5 on the development system, duplicating the earlier release development configuration.

  2. Migrate the development objects to the 12.5 development system.

  3. Construct regression test suites.

  4. Construct bcp scripts to move object deltas.

  5. “Baseline” the older test environment.

  6. Configure a duplicate 12.5 server on the test platform.

  7. Migrate the test/acceptance objects to the 12.5 test system.

  8. Conduct regression test suites on the test system.

  9. Verify synchronization of objects between the old and new release test systems.

  10. Conduct user acceptance testing on the 12.5 test system.

  11. Configure a duplicate 12.5 server on the production platform.

  12. Migrate the production objects to the 12.5 production system.

  13. Move the production users to the 12.5 production system.

  14. Use your bcp scripts to resynchronize objects between the old and new release production systems.