You can use a variety of testing techniques in your test plan.
The following table summarizes the advantages and disadvantages
of various testing techniques and tools:
Ad hoc testing
Manually walk through important
application processes, screens, and reports
complex applications, code coverage is too small
Difficult to distinguish front-end and back-end
bottlenecks if response time is a determining factor
Impossible to obtain production multiuser load,
which misses concurrency and capacity issues altogether
Manual performance scripts
and cases
Specify input and compare
with known outputs
tests back- end server
Impossible to obtain production multiuser load,
which misses concurrency and capacity issues altogether
No ad hoc query testing
Depends on strong analysis of process or transaction
Keystroke capture
Record and replay keystrokes
and mouse clicks into an application
Heavy processing
requirements - may require additional hardware
May increase development time for creating multiuser
test simulations, and add time for debugging test harness
Depends on strong analysis of process or transaction
Concurrency and capacity testing
Use third-party load-testing
processing requirements for test tool—may even require
additional hardware or else results could be skewed
Learning and development curve to write multi-user
test simulations
Risk of bugs in test harness could skew results
Dependent on strong analysis of process/transaction
Transaction generation
Thin client to simulate user
execution of transactions
increase development time for creating multiuser test simulations, though
learning and development curve generally less than keystroke capture
Adds time for debugging test harness to prevent
skewed results
Depends on strong analysis of process or transaction
Production load capture
Using tools to capture real
transactions in a production environment, including performance and
semantic characteristics, and resubmit in a test environment for
Tests real production loads, including ad hoc queries
Especially useful when little or no analysis of transaction
profiles is available