

Specifies the visual indicator that identifies the current row in the DataWindow control. You can use the standard dotted-line rectangle of Windows, PowerBuilder’s pointing hand, or an image stored in a PowerBuilder Picture control.

Applies to

DataWindow type

Method applies to


DataWindow control, DataWindowChild object

Web ActiveX

DataWindow control, DataWindowChild object



integer dwcontrol.SetRowFocusIndicator ( RowFocusInd focusindicator 
	{, integer xlocation {, integer ylocation } } )
integer dwcontrol.SetRowFocusIndicator ( Picture picturename  
	{, integer xlocation {, integer ylocation } } )

Web ActiveX

number dwcontrol.SetRowFocusIndicator ( number focusindicator ,
	number xlocation, number ylocation ) 




A reference to a DataWindow control or child DataWindow in which you want to set the row focus indicator.

focusindicator or picturename

The visual indicator for the current row. Valid values are:

  • In PowerBuilder a value of the RowFocusInd enumerated datatype or the name of a PowerBuilder Picture control whose image you want to use.

  • In the Web ActiveX an integer identifying a RowFocusInd image.

For a list of valid enumerated datatype values, see RowFocusInd.

xlocation (optional)

The x coordinate in PowerBuilder units of the position of the hand or bitmap relative to the upper-left corner of the row.

ylocation (optional)

The y coordinate in PowerBuilder units of the position of the hand or bitmap relative to the upper-left corner of the row.


Returns 1 if it succeeds and –1 if an error occurs. If any argument’s value is null, SetRowFocusIndicator returns null.


Sets the current row indicator in dwcontrol to focusindicator. If you select Hand or a Picture control as the indicator, PowerBuilder displays the indicator at the left side of the body of the DataWindow unless you specify location coordinates (xlocation, ylocation). The default location is 0,0 (the left side of the body of the DataWindow control).

You must assign a DataWindow object to the DataWindow control before you call SetRowFocusIndicator. If you change the DataWindow object at runtime, you must call SetRowFocusIndicator again to reset the indicator.

NotePictures as row focus indicators To use a picture as the row focus indicator, set up the Picture control in the Window painter. Place the Picture control in the window that contains the DataWindow control and then reference it in the SetRowFocusIndicator method. You can hide the picture or place it under the DataWindow control so the user does not see the control itself.


Example 1

This statement sets the row focus indicator in dw_employee to the pointing hand:


Example 2

If p_arrow is a Picture control in the window, the following statement sets the row focus indicator in dw_employee to p_arrow:


See also