If you select a complete installation, or if you select Pocket PC Manual Install on the Select Components page in a custom installation, the PocketBuilder setup program installs the PocketBuilder VM (PKVM) files and applist.exe in a platform-specific subdirectory of the PocketBuilder 2.0\WinCE directory. Applist.exe is a program that makes it easier to locate and launch applications you build with PocketBuilder.
If you choose to install to a device or emulator, the PocketBuilder setup program installs a CAB file for each of the devices or emulators you selected. Each CAB file contains applist.exe and the PKVM files for a specific platform. The following CAB files are installed in the PocketBuilder 2.0\WinCE directory:
PocketBuilder.ARM.CAB for the Pocket PC device
PocketBuilder.X86.CAB for the Pocket PC 2002 or 2003 emulator
SP_PocketBuilder.ARM.CAB for the Smartphone device
SP_PocketBuilder.X86.CAB for the WM 2003 SE Smartphone emulators
You can copy the CAB files or the individual PKVM files to a device or emulator. Make sure that you copy the correct CAB file to the device or emulator where you want to install the PKVM.
For information on downloading the emulators, see “Optional software”.
Instead of copying files manually, you can launch a setup program from the desktop Start menu to install PocketBuilder to a Windows CE device. You can use the Start>Programs>Sybase>PocketBuilder 2.0>Setup PocketPC or the Start>Programs>Sybase>PocketBuilder 2.0>Setup Smartphone command to install PocketBuilder to a Windows CE device.
The ASA setup program also installs files that you can copy to a device or emulator in platform-specific subdirectories of the SQL Anywhere 9\ce directory.
The following procedures describe how to copy files to a device or emulator.
To copy files to a Pocket PC or Smartphone device
using ActiveSync and Windows File Explorer:
On your desktop, open ActiveSync and click the Explore button.
Explorer opens with Mobile Device as the current address.
Use the Up button in Explorer to navigate to the directory where the file or files are located, select them, and select Edit>Copy.
Use the Address drop-down list to return to the Mobile Device directory.
Double-click My Pocket PC and navigate to the directory where you want to copy the files.
DLL files must be installed in the \Windows directory.
Select Edit>Paste to install the files.
If you copied a CAB file, select Programs>File Explorer from the Start menu on the device, navigate to the directory where you copied the file, and tap it to install its contents.
To copy files to a Pocket PC or Smartphone emulator
using the Windows CE Remote File Viewer:
On your desktop computer, open cefilevw.exe and select the device or emulator to which you want to copy files.
By default, the cefilevw tool is installed in C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\Common\Platman\bin when you install the Pocket PC or Smartphone Software Development Kit.
Navigate to the directory to which you want to copy a file.
DLL files must be installed in the \Windows directory.
Click the Export File button (a yellow Up arrow) on the toolbar.
In the Export File dialog box, navigate to the directory where the first file you want to copy is located, select the file, and click Open.
The Remote File Viewer copies the file.
Repeat steps 2 to 4 for any additional files you want to copy.
If you copied a CAB file, select Programs>File Explorer from the Start menu on the device or emulator, navigate to the directory where you copied the file, tap it (Pocket PC device), select it using the Action button (Smartphone), or click it (on the emulator) to unpack the CAB file and install the PocketBuilder VM.
Copying CAB files to the Pocket PC 2002 or 2003 emulator
a CAB file is too large to copy, you can change the default memory configuration
for the Pocket PC 2002 or 2003 emulator in the Windows registry.
For instructions, see the Release Bulletin.
When you shut down the emulator, make sure you select Save Emulator
State. By default, files that you copy to the emulator are deleted
when you shut it down.
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