ECMAP now includes EDI-to-EDI mapping capability. You no longer need to perform a two-step process using flat files as an intermediate format.
With EDI-to-EDI, you can:
Convert data from one version of a standard to another.
Convert data from one standard to another. You can perform mapping between the EDIFACT, HL7, and X12 standards. You cannot perform EDI-to-EDI mappings with the NCPDP standard.
Build a single map to process a query and response scenario. For example, you can build a map to take in an eligibility request and create the outgoing response. With EDI-to-EDI, only a single map is needed.
Add information to a transaction and enrich the data that is received.
The Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) of a shipment contains information about the contents of a shipment. The radio frequency ID (RFID) tag of the shipment’s pallet often contains additional information about the shipment. You can use EDI-to-EDI mapping to add information from the RFID tag to the original ASN.
Map data elements from one map directly to other data elements in another map. This functionality allows ECMAP, for example, to be used in claim splitting and rejoining.
Create more than one EDI output in a single EDI-to-EDI map. This functionality, for example, allows you to create both an X12 and XML output in one map.