Source text verification and encryption

In releases prior to Adaptive Server release 11.5, the source text of compiled objects was saved in syscomments only so that it could be returned to a user who executed sp_helptext. Since this was the only reason for saving the source text, users often deleted it to save disk space and to remove confidential information from this public area.

In Adaptive Server release 11.5, you should not remove the source text from syscomments. Deleting the source text from syscomments will cause problems when upgrading to the next release of Adaptive Server. The upgrade process in future releases of Adaptive Server will require that the source text of compiled objects be present in syscomments at the time of the upgrade. Before upgrading to the next release of Adaptive Server, you need to restore missing source text to syscomments.

You can use the sp_checksource system procedure to verify that source text is present in syscomments for each compiled object. To prevent users from seeing the source text in syscomments, you can encrypt the text with the sp_hidetext system procedure.

For more information, see “Compiled Objects” on page 1-3 in the Transact-SQL User’s Guide. Also see sp_checksource and sp_hidetext in the Adaptive Server Reference Manual.