Setting up the sp_helpddb system procedure

When you run aserep the first time, it creates another script file named sp_helpddb.sql in the $SYBASE/RPL-12_5/my_ASERep/scripts directory, where my_ASERep is the server name of the ASE Replicator process that you specified on the aserep command line.

When executed, the sp_helpddb.sql script creates a system procedure named sp_helpddb in the sybsystemprocs database. sp_helpddb returns the name of the Distribution Database. Sybase Central needs that procedure to manage ASE Replicator.

StepsTo set up the sp_helpddb system procedure

  1. Log in to the primary Adaptive Server with a System Administrator user role.

  2. Run the sp_helpddb.sql script:

    isql -SASE_server -Usa -Ppwd <sp_helpddb.sql

    where ASE_server is the server name of the primary Adaptive Server, and pwd is the sa user password.

  3. Add the ASE Replicator system user to the sybsystemprocs database, and grant the ASE Replicator system user permission to execute the sp_helpddb procedure:

    use sybsystemprocs
    sp_adduser rep_user
    grant execute on sp_helpddb to rep_user

    where rep_user is the user name of the ASE Replicator system user.

After you complete the procedure to initialize the ASE Replicator process, ASE Replicator is up and running, and the primary Adaptive Server is configured to work with ASE Replicator.