

Searches for a type in one or more PocketBuilder libraries (PKLs) or PowerBuilder libraries (PBLs) and provides information about its type definition. You can also get type definitions for system types.

NotePocketBuilder applications This function can be used only in the development environment. It cannot be used in applications deployed to a Pocket PC or Smartphone device.


FindTypeDefinition ( typename {, librarylist } )




The name of a simple datatype, enumerated datatype, or class for which you want information. To find a type definition for a nested type, use this form:


librarylist (optional)

An array of strings whose values are the fully qualified pathnames of PKLs or PBLs. If you omit librarylist, FindTypeDefinition searches the library list associated with the running application.

PocketBuilder also searches its own libraries for built-in definitions, such as enumerated datatypes and system classes.


TypeDefinition. Returns an object reference with information about the definition of typename. If any arguments are null, FindTypeDefinition returns null.


The returned TypeDefinition object is a ClassDefinition, SimpleTypeDefinition, or EnumerationDefinition object. You can test the Category property to find out which one it is.

If you want to get information for a class, call FindClassDefinition instead. The arguments are the same and you are saved the step of checking that the returned object is a ClassDefinition object.

If you want to get information for a global function, call FindFunctionDefinition.


Example 1

This example gets a TypeDefinition object for the grGraphType enumerated datatype. It checks the category of the type definition and, since it is an enumeration, assigns it to an EnumerationDefinition object type and saves the name in a string:

TypeDefinition td_graphtype

EnumerationDefinition ed_graphtype

string enumname

td_graphtype = FindTypeDefinition("grgraphtype")

IF td_graphtype.Category = EnumeratedType! THEN

		ed_graphtype = td_graphtype

		enumname = ed_graphtype.Enumeration[1].Name


Example 2

This example is a function that takes a definition name as an argument. The argument is typename. It finds the named TypeDefinition object, checks its category, and assigns it to the appropriate definition object:

TypeDefinition td_def

SimpleTypeDefinition std_def

EnumerationDefinition ed_def

ClassDefinition cd_def

td_def = FindTypeDefinition(typename)

CHOOSE CASE td_def.Category

CASE SimpleType!

		std_def = td_def

CASE EnumeratedType!

		ed_def = td_def

CASE ClassOrStructureType!

		cd_def = td_def


Example 3

This PowerBuilder example searches the libraries in the array ls_libraries to find the class definition for w_genapp_frame:

TypeDefinition td_windef

string ls_libraries[ ]

ls_libraries[1] = "c:\pwrs\bizapp\windows.pbl"

ls_libraries[2] = "c:\pwrs\framewk\windows.pbl"

ls_libraries[3] = "c:\pwrs\framewk\ancestor.pbl"

td_windef = FindTypeDefinition(

		"w_genapp_frame", ls_libraries)

See also