Server Error Messages 7600 - 7699



Text and Explanation



 Permission denied.  System Security Officer (SSO) role is required to open an auditing system table.

Explanation: You do not have the permission to execute this command. Have the object owner or a user with the needed role run this command.



 There is no such audit option.  If you received this message while executing a Sybase-supplied auditing stored procedure, this is a system error, and you should contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.

Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax, semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.



 The ad_hoc_audit builtin function cannot be called directly.  You must use sp_addauditrecord to send an ad-hoc audit record.

Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Adaptive Server cannot perform the requested action. Take any corrective action indicated by the message.



 An unknown audit event type was received.  This is a system error.  Contact a user with System Security Officer (SSO) role.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 An attempt to send a message to the audit process has failed.  This is a system error.  Contact a user with System Security Officer (SSO) role.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 An attempt to allocate memory for the audit queue has failed.  This is a system error.  Contact a user with System Security Officer (SSO) role.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 An attempt to establish a system mailbox for the audit process has failed.  This is a system error.  Contact a user with System Security Officer (SSO) role.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 An attempt to open the sybsecurity database has failed.  This is a system error.  Contact a user with System Security Officer (SSO) role.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 An attempt to load the global audit options into sysauditoptions has failed.  This is a system error.  Contact a user with System Security Officer (SSO) role.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 An attempt to open the sysaudits table has failed.  This is a system error.  Contact a user with System Security Officer (SSO) role.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 An attempt to awaken the server initialization process has failed.  This is a system error.  Contact a user with System Security Officer (SSO) role.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 An attempt to get an audit record from the audit queue has failed.  This is a system error.  Contact a user with System Security Officer (SSO) role.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 Permission denied.  System Security Officer (SSO) role is required to create or drop the sybsecurity database.

Explanation: You do not have the permission to execute this command. Have the object owner or a user with the needed role run this command.



 Permission denied.  System Security Officer (SSO) role is required to create an auditing system table.

Explanation: You do not have the permission to execute this command. Have the object owner or a user with the needed role run this command.



 The auditing system tables can only be created in the sybsecurity database.

Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax, semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.



 You can only use SELECT or SELECT INTO with the sysaudits table.

Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax, semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.



 An attempt to get a free audit record buffer from the audit queue has failed.  This is a system error.  Contact a user with System Security Officer (SSO) role.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 The audit process is not currently active. Contact a user with System Administrator (SA) or System Security Officer (SSO) role.

Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.



 An insert to the sysaudits table has failed. This is a serious error, and you should contact a user with System Administrator (SA) or System Security Officer (SSO) role.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 You must use one of the Sybase-supplied auditing stored procedures to change audit options.

Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Adaptive Server cannot perform the requested action. Take any corrective action indicated by the message.



 Auditing: Fatal error - unable to get object owner name to fill in the audit record. This is an internal error.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process. A username could not be obtained for the audit record. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 Auditing: Fatal error - unable to get audit creation flags in the database with dbid `%d'. This is an internal error.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process when trying to update audit records. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 Audit table number `%d' is invalid.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process when trying to update audit records. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 Auditing: Internal erorr - could not get the next audit table number.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process when trying to update audit records. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 Auditing: Fatal error - current audit table is full and server is configured to suspend auditing when device is full, but it failed to suspend the audit process. This is an internal error.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current process when trying to update audit records. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 Invalid value for audit related configuration parameter because the audit subsystem is not running. Contact a user with System Security Officer (SSO) Role.

Explanation: You attempted to change audit configuration without installing sybsecurity database.



 Auditing: Internal error - current audit table config parameter value may not be updated in the configuration file and in sysconfigures system table. Accurate value of this parameter is in syscurconfigs system table. This is not a critical error.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an error while attempting to change audit table information. Report the error to your System Administrator.



 Current audit table can not be changed to `%d' because it is not empty.

Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an error while attempting to change audit table information. Report the error to your System Administrator.